

who am I?
A man existing only in comparison
With no idea of his true identity
conforming, living in unison
not knowing his full ability

adopting different ideas
exhibiting several personality
not knowing within him his true self lies
formed by the societal cognitive contents

and public sentiment he buys
he becomes accumulated elements
In his mind he is his own person
Forgetting he was formed by his environment

And what is norms becomes no sin
He gave identity to everything
Believes he is different bcus of the colors of his skin
Not accepting he is one with everything

Forgetting he breath like every being
Fighting another for not accepting his belief
Something he was taught to believe he holds firmly
and what he fears and don't accept he hate dearly

castle in the air he built for the future
and all his good intentions turns into ocean of trouble
So he is dying to live
And living just to die

he is a man in search of him self
© Ra's Tafari