

Two stones...
I tell you a story
a story of two stones,
Stones that somehow became golden and gleaming stones in the bright heat of sunshine.
They stayed still on the shore
tolerating and savoring each slash and the lash of the waves.
They dried their tears away for what the ebb took away
because they knew that
what was taken would return back to a shore someday
and what drenched them allowed life to breath on them.
Stones became a story
and a story begun struggling to be a sile.
And in the essence of their being,
they smelled of life.
Knowing to stand upright,
they stood
now matter who stood them up,
who stood for them
because they know they were standing with each other
and will make the time stand up for them.
They had a belief and the belief turned to faith...
and slowly they savoured each and every moment
that came or went away,
savoured their thrist,
savoured their life...
They did this
because they were the stones
and it was their right...

© sunshine07