

" The Mourning Souls Wail"
"Send them to hell !
Better than a cell"
Sitting in the corner,
The mourning souls wail.

"Burn them in hellfire
Must they face dire
Must they in pain howl !
These freaking , fuckings ghoul !"

"Want to see in their eyes,
A sign of fear
let the hell demons their flesh, their bones,
With their pointed pounces tear !"

"Make them pass through ,
The forest of spines,
Where behind the bush
The tine of Behemoth shines"

"let the thorns pierce into their bareskin
let the vines grab their neck !
Keep them tied to a spiky peg
let the bloody tears drop of their eyes
Each drops making them realise ,
They mustn't have made such a grave sin
Let my curse in them swell"
wandering in the dark realm
The soul in wrath yell.

My poem is attributed to all the rape victims . my poem revolves around the curse given by the broken and angry souls of rape victims,and their wishes that how should a a rapist (ghoul) be treated to make them realise of their grave sin .
Thank you 👍🏻 Please comment and send the feedback. May god keep all the girls safe and secure

© Amit