

Dandelions in the wind
The wind carried words through the sky that blew thee,
Lying on a velvet swing,
Swinging under a tree,
Whilst waiting for the King.

The hazes moved and the sun escaoed through the them,
in the month of May it shined,
Her fragile hands clutched her dress' hem.

The Summery daylight,
Stroked her face,
The sunshine blinded her eyes
And made her look perfect in his gaze.

A silhouette of hers,
danced on the meadow grass in sage,
Failed to reflect her love ,
that that her eyes held.

The gentle wind,
and sun so bright,
stumbled upon her,
Just like the King did that rainy night.

Because of the gust,
that took away the sand just let it down in a while,
The seeds detached and went away with the dust,
From the pearl white dandelion.

She wished for the lost forever,
That was lost in the dark night
Finding it from the day she was left alone with a never,
Cuz he left her for a different land under the same sky.

The seeds flew across the blue,
To reach the land of love and might,
Were the spring bloomed in the december and June,
Where you never ever ever say goodbye.

They flew among the clouds,
High above in the land of dreams,
They flew and flew together bound
To sail through the deep blue sea.

To reach her dreamland,
was their sole desire so divine,
Reach the castle of rocks and bricks oh so grand,
Where shewished to get the one she wished to call 'mine'.

On the way,
In the evening hour,
In the sky they sailed,
That turned orange by now.

The wind suddenly stopped,
and the time paused with a dart,
making the seeds fall,
On the green meadows six feet apart.

The seeds fell,
On the green grass,
And now, the darkness dwelled,
As if the only ray of hope faded leaving a scar.

Everything turned dark,
And the moon disappeared so far,
Because the light,
Was trapped in a glass jar.
© Lavenderdawn