

Remarkable it was
Remarkable was the day of your birth,
Remarkable was your childhood,
And the years that followed too soon,
Remember your journey one last time,
Before you close your eyes...
Remember the joy you kept showering upon
How life became so disturbing,hatred being the thief of all
l wonder if l could turn back the time
l want to know what transpired
Am l moron to be in this manner
Remarkable was the little me
Happy l was ,not knowing what life had for me
l would wonder if adulthood was really a scam as they said
Bring me to the joy I was used to,they will never accept me cause l don't support them in their madness
Remarkable was the day of my birth
The opening of my eyes
The sound of their voices
Their warm hugs
The love they had for me
Let the world know l was loved
Now I'm lost on the woods having no one to trust but who am l to judge
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light
Amazing it was but it ended
This shall all pass when I finally close my eyes , having my last breath
Amazing it would be when l finally sleep without anyone to burden me
Remarkable it was
© Nommy_Nomah