

Cold blooded Murder
The door was locked,
I smashed in.
Knocking it down,
I went in.
Inside what I saw,
I couldn't comprehend.
Man lying dead,
Stabbed blood stained.
Three on the stomach,
And one through the neck.
Broken nails showed,
His struggle through death.
The rings were gone,
Money was taken.
The killer must have made,
His bread and beacon.
Later on the desk,
A note was found.
Will screw you up,
if you don't come around.
The case was about,
The money unreturned.
He was a good man,
The neighborhood yearned.
Seems man's goodness,
Was merely a sham,
His wife agonised
Unable to stay calm.
Trembling in fear,
she said being strong.
He promised me stars,
then what went wrong.
Cops went through,
To find the killer.
Investigation held guilty,
His good friend Miller.
Money always wins,
Friendship doesn't matter.
Murder in cold blood,
Reality utters.
© TheGloomyFire