

Secrets of Dasies
Her smile was as easy as
the bright dasies that swayed
in the salty gulf breeze.
She knew things of another
life. She kept her secrets.
Selfish. She wouldn't share
with me.
Her and I we did share
that bond of my birth.
Her eyes of jet
I see in my own.
She has envisioned magical moments
That I will never know.
She hesitated there as if
she might grant my wish.
But as silent as the dasies swayed
they spoke softly in
a familiar maternal way.
White linen hung on a line
soaking up the warmth of
coastal sun.
She peeked between them, smiling.
Oh! what great fun!
Should I remember anything of her
let it be this,
What love and joy I have felt,
by a mother's sweet loving kiss.

© Morgan West