

Crimson-Colored Lotus
Crimson-colored lotus

Unfolding herself

In the embrace of the morning

Daylight emerges

Lifting her sleepy gaze

From a profound repose

Sunbeam combs her ruby tresses

Pond getting warm with

Sun's rejuvenating caress

Existence ~ an endless delight!

Beneath the azure expanse

She dances with the zephyr

Her petals sway in rhythm

With the song of the universe

Moonlight bathes her in silver glow

Night descends with a tranquil hush

Stars strew their diamond dust

Sky getting adorned with

Moon's tender touch

Life ~ a ceaseless ballet!

In the heart of the wilderness

She blooms with grace and poise

Her fragrance whispers tales of love

To the wandering breeze and buzzing bees

Rain showers her with crystal kisses

Earth rejoices with a verdant blush

Droplets bead her velvet petals

Nature getting drenched with

Rain's refreshing embrace

Life ~ a perpetual symphony!

#Nature #Beautiful

© Laloselix