

Just, " just please" - just once time give me the chance to be there for you.
I know, "I do", I do need you to let me love you.
"Give me", just one chance before you leave.
Give me a chance to look in your eyes your strength is how I served.
( I love you)
I whisper under my breath.

I can see so much more than what you show, I put my hand up to reach out then slowly back down.
Why is what I ask, so much more than what your looking for.
Just, just stay,
Stand by me, my lovely silhouette that can reflect the best of me back.
I can't help but to stay still as my eyes are the only thing that can follow you.
Do I really, really ask to much when I reach out for your touch.
I only wish I feel whole, as I do when I stand next to you.

I melt when I just feel you near, fire finds me from the inside. I do, I do I swear, I do I can't help but melt in front of you.
Do I really ask for so much more than anyone has asked before? ( I'll just be melting )
I can melt to the floor , without ever having a chance to know if I could be what your looking for.

© jun.klost96#broken