

Mr. Sleep
You were once my safe space
My sweet escape
I would close my eyes
And travel to where I didn't feel the pain
You were my blank page
Where my little hands
Could scribble a happy future
Imagine myself strong and brave
Able to fly above this living grave
I relied on you every night
To feed me that bliss
Make me think I was alright
Make me forget for a moment
That my life was not right
Why then do you betray me now?
The arms that once carried me
To the land of sugar dreams
Now drags me back
To the nightmares of my past
You're supposed to make me feel safe
Yet you bring me back to this cursed place
Why shove old fear into my face?
You've unlocked old files
Dug up haunted bones
Forced my eyes to look once more
Upon things I can't be shown
You were my friend
My confidante
Now you torture me
And you refuse to stop
Bring back the peace
You would give me each night
If you continue
I'll change
Back to that same little girl
Filled with shame and fright
I'm trying to move on
Please don't bring me back
Let's go back to our deal And help me forget
Bring these nighttime terrors
To an end
And go back to being
My good old friend


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