

In the shadows of self-doubt
In the depths of despair, we may find ourselves lost,
Feeling worthless, burdened, and paying the cost.
But dear friend, let me remind you today,
You're not alone in this disarray.

Like a symphony of souls, we all share the strain,
A silent struggle endured, causing unseen pain.
Yet through it all, we hold onto the possibility,
Of finding solace, strength, and tranquility.

Your existence, dear one, holds a purpose unique,
In this vast tapestry of life, where destinies meet.
The battles you face, the hurdles you endure,
Shape you into a person courageous and pure.

Do not believe the lies that haunt your mind,
For you possess within, a spark divine.
You're not a burden, nor a problem to bear,
But a precious soul, deserving love and care.

When darkness descends, and doubts start to creep,
Remember, dear heart, your worth runs deep.
Embrace your flaws, your scars, and your pains,
For they are the brushstrokes, forming your gains.

Let this poem be a reminder, simple and true,
That within your being lies strength anew.
You have the power to rise, to heal, and to grow,
To turn your struggles into a beautiful glow.

So stand tall, dear friend, with head held high,
Embrace the journey, and reach for the sky.
Remember, together we navigate life's complex sea,
And in unity, we find our own worth and beauty.

© herrandomthoughts🤔