

do you know what it feels like?
do you know what it feels like?
to have no one understand?
to have no one there?
to be unsure?
to carry a weight you didn't even notice you were carrying?
do you have any idea what that feels like?
I do.
I have been in need of just someone to listen, even if they couldn't understand.
I've been in need of just someone to be there.
I have and still am very unsure about anything.
and I've learned that I've carried weights, this whole time. thinking it was normal.
I have been low.
and for me this is as low as it gets.
but even then no one was there to talk.
even when I tried.
no one was there but God and myself.
God is hard to hear.
but I've learned that if you scream loud enough and if you really open.
he'll show you how he's there for you.
but I felt low before he came along.
I was so low that I had to talk to myself. tell myself that things were going to get better.
I was so low to the point where I had to hear myself say it.
"things will be fine."
but do you know what this feels like?
if you don't chances are, you will at some point.
but just know that low is never a stopping point. so if you feel anything or any of this. at least feel that.