

Catharsis Absolutist
Don't you understand this is domestic war?
The more we look away, the more they'll never pay for
Distracted and consuming the same programming
Paying our subscriptions to be dumbed down, blinded by our social conditioning
We kneel divided, fighting endlessly, and
cramming every episode
Pulling the triggers for our masters so our corpses pave their roads

Misinformed by their lies we're driven to hate ourselves
You brush it off, while saying, "it's nothing new" to justify your apathy
But what the fuck's it say about you, to recognize all this and perpetuate it?
What has you so bound in your safe space?
Clinging onto obsolete beliefs and choosing to die on your lonely hill
Are you truly that blind, or just that ready to kill?

We should have known it was going to end like this
The trading of humanity for currency signalling our moral descent
Those who justify it hastening our decline
While we were busy crying and squealing
"who's fault is it?"
The architects of our destruction left us on our sinking ship

© Jordan Goicoechea