

Poem no. 6

Sobriquets sing a seraph of somnolence
Etiquettes and erred epitaphs of evidence
Pragmatic prides perfervid of posterity
Talismanic tides tenebrific to the truancy
Embellishments effervesce and effloresce
Moments make milestones all in masses
Bepainting bohemian beaks that're back
Elating with echt euphonies that we enact
Relating and realizing rectitudes we react

Fallacies flowing by, now firmaments fly
Obloquies are over, oeillades all organize
Ushered unconcerned and uncanonically
Redder be the ravenous roses and rubies
Trances of tranquility, and tame, tacit tales
Heiresses of hearts, and health be hailed
© alxita

(The poem is an acrostic of my special day. Many good topics emerge through each lines.)