

friendship and reality
In realms where dreams and truth entwine,
A tapestry woven by hands divine,
Friendship and reality, a sacred blend,
Where bonds are forged, they never bend.

Friendship, a gift, like stars in the night,
Guiding our souls with radiant light,
Through the haze of life's perplexity,
It anchors us in serenity.

In moments when reality cuts deep,
When shadows of doubt begin to creep,
A friend stands tall, unwavering and true,
A shelter from storms, a love that grew.

For friendship, you see, is a mirror's reflection,
A testament to life's interconnected perfection,
In laughter shared and tears embraced,
The beauty of reality, we fully embrace.

Through joys and trials, side by side,
In friendship's embrace, we shall abide,
For in this realm where dreams take flight,
Reality's colors become ever so bright.

So let us cherish the bonds we find,
For friendships, like treasures, are one of a kind,
In their embrace, we find solace and peace,
As reality and friendship gracefully cease.