

Life is a poem: crossroads of choices
In the tapestry of existence, life unfolds,
A symphony of moments, stories untold.
Whispers of time, a dance with fate,
Embracing joy and navigating through the gate.

Sunrise paints the sky in hues of fire,
Hope ignited, dreams aspire.
Moonlight weaves its silver threads,
Casting shadows where mystery treads.

Through valleys low and mountains high,
Life's journey, an endless sky.
Rivers of laughter, oceans of tears,
Echoes of triumphs, conquered fears.

Seasons change with a rhythmic rhyme,
Spring blooms, a canvas in its prime.
Summer's warmth, a gentle embrace,
Autumn whispers, leaves interlace.

Winter's hush, a blanket of white,
Nature's silence, a tranquil night.
Footprints in the snow, memories deep,
A solemn promise that life shall keep.

Hearts beat in sync with nature's song,
A melody where we all belong.
Love, the compass guiding the way,
Through the night and into the day.

But shadows linger in the twilight air,
Challenges faced, burdens we bear.
Storms may rage, lightning might strike,
Yet, within the tempest, we find our spike.

Whirlwinds of change, a constant flow,
In the river of time, we learn and grow.
Choices made, a crossroads approached,
Destiny's secrets silently encroached.

In the labyrinth of life, paths diverge,
Destinations unknown, on the verge.
Crossing bridges, burning bright,
Leaving behind the veil of night.

The tapestry, intricate, a masterpiece,
Woven with threads of joy and peace.
Yet, in sorrow's embrace, we find grace,
A mosaic of emotions, love's warm trace.

So dance through meadows, climb the hills,
Seek the solace that life distills.
Let laughter ripple, like a brook's flow,
In the grand theatre where life's dramas grow.

For every heartbeat is a poetic line,
In the epic poem of life, divine.
The pen in our hands, the choices we make,
Crafting verses with each step we take.

In the grand narrative of existence's art,
Find the beauty in every part.
For life is a poem, written with care,
A canvas of moments, beyond compare.

© Shreya R. G. Kanade