

One Day
I wrote you all letters that you'll never read
Cause you were just too blind to see
The light that's hiding underneath
Something I hide cause I can't be me
And I hope the best for all of those
Who've been hurt and kept away
All alone
And one day we say it will get better
That day will only be when we stand together
And I hope that day you will see
The truth, the pain, and the light that's guiding me
One day the storm will cease
And one day the distractions that bring us to our knees
Will suddenly just come straight to an end
And everything will be okay again

🤍🌹Thank you so so much for reading. I really appreciate all of you for taking the time to read. I hope you all are doing well. Wishing the very, very best for everyone 🤍🌹

© Sierra321