

Past Life Relationship
In ancient whispers carried on the wind,
A story of souls woven tight begins,
Bound by threads of fate, deep and unseen,
In shadows of past lives, where love once had been.
You and I, we danced in the pale moonlight,
Our spirits intertwined, ablaze, so bright,
In a world far removed from this present day,
Where every heartbeat echoed in perfect sway.
We traversed the epochs, the centuries vast,
Through wars, through peace, our bond held fast,
Each birth a new chapter, a different page,
Yet the same old ache of longing and age.
Born again in cultures foreign and strange,
Across oceans of time and endless change,
Still, the red thread tied us with tender care,
An unbreakable tether no distance could wear.
In this current life, our paths meet anew,
Eyes wide with wonder at all we once knew,
A spark of recognition in the depths of your gaze,
Rekindles the love that has withstood life's maze.
We ache with the weight of what lies untold,
The stories of lifetimes now buried and cold,
Yet within us both, a flame fiercely burns,
For a love that the universe eternally yearns.
But love, like the mountains, must face the storm,
Each trial and each struggle, its spirit reborn,
And through the hard obstacles that test and bend,
We find strength in the journey, the path we wend.
For ours is a love that springs from the divine,
Not bound by time or by earthly confines,
It flows through our veins, the pulse of the stars,
Guiding us forward, no matter how far.So here we stand, as in lives long past,
With the courage to hold, to make this love last,
In the face of each hardship, with every breath drawn,
Proving our love is real, like the break of dawn.
As the red thread winds its way through our soul,
It sings of a promise as old as the whole,
That no matter the trials, the worlds we roam,
We’ll always find our way back home.
© poembyselly