

To Make Sure You Feel Loved

In the dark, I thought of you to light the way.
With the light, I fought the dark away.
Away, I flew into the sky, reaching out to your hand, reaching down for me.
Beyond the reach of my hand, I lassoed your wrist with my arteries.
And then you pulled on my heart, pulling me to you.

You, with your magnificence so blinding you can't even see it.
And as I fall into your hands, I realize I never comprehended you - I merely glimpsed an instance.
Yet, each instance came like a breath.
A breath I savor, treasure, measure, conjure, and entomb in the dark crevasse of my heart.
Still, that isn't enough for me. I want more.
I think I'm greedy. I feel I'm greedy.
I know I want more. I need more of you.

Those eyes, I want them on me.
When you've closed them, I want to be the last image you take to sleep.
Those lips, place them on me - every which way - we should speak a different language to marvel demons and destroy angels.
Could I but speak of the magic each part of you has - yet as chaos, I lose the thoughts, the words, the breath to catch the meaning of you.
You abound around me - I succumb within you.
Would I have had the chance, I'd breathe life into you each day - losing mine, for yours - I'd rather lose than let you loose.

Might I overstep and ask that you touch me?
Just one time. Then another. And another. Till all I know is your touch.
Every inch of me - from my hair to my air. From my end to my ends.
I see you. You see me.
That's how we define love.
You know me. I comprehend you.
That's how we grasp each other.
We hold on. We push on.
That's what we are made of - of each other - sharing an embrace that takes away our breaths and fills us up anew, with an essence beyond the mere conception of life.

To feel loved, to be spoiled, to be one, to be us, to be lost...
In each other's universe - where worlds end, stars die, galaxies go dark -
Where we turn death and destruction into
Life and living.

#poetry #valentine #loveislove
#lover #revelation #poetrylovers