

Refresher drinks
Woke up craving one of these,
They're so refreshing.
Add Green tea instead of water, to help with relaxation and ease.
It's best to drink when it's hot, and hardly a breeze.
Add extra ice to get a good freeze, pretty, pretty please.
I love the Kiwi Watermelon best,
One sip, and I forget about the rest.
I often pair with some Glazed doughnuts,
Although I'm trying to cut down,
They affect my slim gut.
But right now, none of that matters.
All I want is to fulfill this craving,
To Hell if I get fatter.
Just showing appreciation, to one of my favorite drinks,
I drink it so fast, it's gone within a few blinks.
I don't chew the ice, though,
I throw it down the sink.
Or pour some water in the cup to get a chill,
Ya think?

© artisticdreamsss