

Unrelequented love

What manner of love is this
a love that a man offers his soul,flesh and spirit for the bride...a love whose end is fatal...a love unrelequented.
when another one loves..he will relenquish their heart ...

When Jesus loved the world,
He spread his arms wide open on the Cross,
He busrst his chmembers of emotions
He had nothing to own anymore..
Jesus gave all to the one He loved...
He Emptied the grand Treasury of Phileo and agape both from the earth and the heavens.

Unrelequented Love, undisputed love,the son of God gave tho the ones he possessed.
It's a kind of a magic,it's lyrcal strength is inevitable, softest,the smallest and the greatest are captivated by this love.

For this Unrelequented love...
The Christ is coming back