

Kindness Is A Treasure
Kindness is a gentle touch,
A warm smile that means so much.

It's the helping hand we extend
To a stranger or a friend.

Kindness is the light in the darkest night,
A beacon of hope burning bright.

It's the words that heal the soul,
And make broken hearts feel whole.

Kindness is a gift we give,
To make this world a better place to live.

It costs nothing but means everything,
It's the joy that it always brings.

Kindness is a smile that shines,
It warms hearts and souls, defines.

It brightens up someone's gloomy day,
The goodness of kindness leads the way.

Kindness is a selfless act,
It's a gift that we all should enact.

Kindness is a language we all should speak,
It's a power that's truly unique.

It's an universal truth that can heal and grow,
In a world that can sometimes be so low.

Let us spread kindness far and wide,
And let it be our constant guide.

For in a world that often shows its worst,
Kindness is a treasure, not everyone knows.

© Sunita Pathania

#sunitapathania #kindnessisatreasure #Inspirationalpoem #coupletpoem #universaltruth #spreadkindness