

Filtering rays of sunshine,
Brighten up my day,
My heart swells with hope and pride,
Keen for the glories coming my way...
knowing it's not over
Alot yet to come over.

Rays of sunshine lit my dark path
Giving my hopes the wings to soar high.
A queen I shall become.
For my time to rule has come.

Shackles that binds me down shall be broken free.
Even with the thorns that pricks my soul, I shall step forward.
The frenemies that stabs me in the back,
more sly than a venomous snake,
I shall still stand tall.

The hopes that lingers in the dark corner,
still firm,
Hope keeps the last flame burning high.
The flame to be what I am suppose to be,
A queen.
Queens never bow to no one but their kings.

© kaya N