

Long ago in the days of Yonder
Long ago in the days of yonder
A prophecy came just like a feather
Whispered on the winds so light
Foretelling of a hero's might

In a village, small and humble
Where dreams would rise and often tumble
A child was born with eyes so bright
Destined to confront the night

Legends spoke of ancient powers
Hidden deep in forgotten towers
Guarded by both beast and spell
In shadows where dark secrets dwell

With a heart both brave and pure
The chosen one would find the cure
To banish darkness, bring the light
And set the world to what is right

Through forests dense and mountains high
Underneath the starry sky
The journey long, the trials severe
Yet driven by a purpose clear

For in the days of yonder past
A prophecy, now come at last
A feather's touch, so soft and slight
Has set in motion fate's own flight.