

don't change when I'm gone.
You left me when I needed you,
Ghosted me like I never existed,
Hunted by our past but I never resisted
I am a sinner who is trying to be a winner
Always staying in toxic states
Because I'm desperate for attention
I have suicidal feelings that can't be resisted
who cares,who asks?
I committed suicide and you said but why?
you could never know because I was a loner,
A loner when you were there,
now you are saying but why?
I needed the but why?when I was alive
Now it's too cause I can't answer.
As you never asked when I was lonely.
You cared less about me,
now why the sudden change of heart when I'm gone?
When I was visible you couldn't see me,
now I'm invisible and you want to see me.

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