

Àyàn àgalú : the spirit of the drum
Homage to the spirits of the gods
Resident in the ọsán of the bàtá drums
To the spirits that indwell the mahogany
Great obeisance we pay with reverence;

To the spirit that compels Àníkẹ́, the beauty Pageant,
And her company of dancers to wriggle beaded hips
And jiggle packaged breasts in the village square
To the harmonics of the bàtá drums echoing melodies
And complemented by the Sẹ̀kẹ̀rẹ̀ vibrations hopping
And dancing up and down in the avid hands of
Àyántojúbọ̀ on the eve of the New Yam's Festivals.

Àyàn àgalú, the same spirit which speaks delight
As the membranophonic dùǹdún is beaten on
Kabiyesi's coronation signaling a peaceful reign
But Àyàn Àgalú is also a fiery spirit which primes war
As it carries the echoes of the sound of Agogo eèwọ̀
Which penetrates the seven hills and seven valleys of
Abúlé Olókè-Méje

Àyàn àgalú, the unseen force that whispers 'dance'
To Àsàkẹ́ and make sure that the lunatic dances
In response with unmatched vigour and energy
Around Akẹ̀sán market in a concentric circle
Twisting her waist slitherly like the rattle snake
Which was killed on the last market day by Odẹ́wùmí
Àsàkẹ́ becomes the spectacle for young and old
As all stand in awe of her matchless dexterity

The next minute Àyàn Àgalú shouts 'Stop!'
And Àsàkẹ́ is no longer the expert dancing girl
But a mad woman whose brain is stained with blood
And runs unorganizedly at people and yells curses
Under her breath to whoever looks at her for more
Than a split second...

Homage to the spirits of the gods
Homag to unsurpassed Àyàn Àgalú
Living in the world yonder and
Communing with us in the drums
To the spirit that indwell the mahogany
Great obeisance we pay with reverence.

© PenEmeritus 2020