

remained urgings
By the flickering light of an ancient lamp,
By the twinkling waters of an ancient river,
The dancer entertains the heathen enemies.
This fascinating history forever etched in stone,
Is a monumental discovery... Remained urgings

By the flickering light of an ancient lamp,
By the twinkling waters of an ancient river,
The ebb and flow entertains the heathen longings,
This fascinating history forever etched in stone,
In a monumental discovery of my feelings on that zone,
Diverging and contracting of my present and past,
Put me in the swing of drastic and revolutionary enthusiasm,
Evidence and manifestation are estimable and agreeable now,
For life journey in eternal and sublime models,
Emphasizing and magnifying stimulus enfolds me,
Emotions and passions of enslaved alluring of,
To the rays of ancient lighted lamp,
Throughing its beams into waves of ancient river,
With them my feelings blow from present to past.
On constructed bridge of present and past,
My sentiments walk daily to keep myself fresh,
To enforce enfeebled and exhausted enjoyment,
Which remained behind enwrapped in despair.