

Before I met Jesus,
What was I ?

If not for Jesus,
Who am I ?

I felt this unbearable pain,
I was in this bottomless pit, with no way of escape.
I was covered in a thick darkness, with no glimpse of light.

Oh yes! I was lost.
Everyday I cried,
The nights got use to the sound of my voice calling out for help,

I didn't know what was happening to me,
I couldn't tell the reason for my cry,

For all I could tell, was that I felt emptiness.
I felt something could fill me, but I didn't just want anything; i needed brightness, light.
Someone or something without sorrow, I had enough sorrows to share;

I needed a comforter; the people around me couldn't give me the kind of inner comfort I needed;
I needed sufficiency,
I needed to feel complete.
I knew was I felt 'terribly empty'

I had so much to say but I couldn't express myself.

Then Jesus found me.
He filled me so much that- I don't ever want to stop receiving of Him.
He is the 'perfect fulfilment' I craved for.

He brought that 'brightness' I needed.
He is the perfect description of perfection.

He is all I ever needed.
© God'sgift