

Today I realised that you were always mine
I was the cos to your sine
And you were my little teeny sunshine.

I was making a ghost out of my life
Then you came into my life
And I was determined to woo you, make you my wife

Whatever happened stayed in the past
Nothing could separate us at long last
When Ramadan came we both took up the fast.

Nothing stays the same forever
But I couldn't meet you whenever
I needed you the most so I used a transferred epithet
You weren't there but your memories slept inside my pillow case.

You know what darling, shedding my blood seems like a waste,
When I could shed blood, sweat, tears towards making our future better,
All my teardrops have accumulated into a puddle inside the love letter

That I sent you via telepathy,
You were the only one who showed me empathy,
I wanna hold you still and transfer this feeling of love
Your sweet figure, with the softness of a dove.
© Dhritiman