

Letter to my Younger Self
Dear Younger Self,
I know you are wondering about the end of the millennium, if you will be forever stuck with the fashion trends of the 70’s, your life ending at 40 and everything going downhill after 50, but I am telling you that there is no need to worry.  
If I knew then what I know now,
I would not have wasted so many days worrying about the future.
Baby girl, do not stress, follow your heart and conscience and God will guide your path.
Never give up because you will bounce back from your setbacks.
You will learn from all your mistakes, and yes, believe me that you will be making many.
The combination of all your experiences (good and bad) over the years are the things that will mold you into the amazing woman you are destine to become.
You are a queen, a warrior and a survivor,
No one will crush your spirit and you will move to the beat of your own drum.

There will be good and bad days that you will have to navigate, but remember that the bad days will build your character and keep you grounded,
And the good days will lift your spirits and help you to build a solid foundation for your future. 
You are going to lose on love many times, but one day you’ll find your soul's true light, then you will truly love and be loved in return. So never give up on love.
Enjoy every single moment, wake up every day and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. 
Take it from me, do not stress, be happy, take life one day at a time and strive every day to be the best version of yourself.

Baby girl, concentrate on the present, live your truth and let no one detract you from your chosen path. 
You will be just fine, you will get to 2021 and will not regret one of the 1,608,336,000 seconds of your life.
Sorry I can't tell you what our future holds beyond this present second, but I am just preparing to enjoy the here and now. Therefore, I implore you to do the same.

Lots of love,
Your Older Phenomenal Self.

P.S. You will enjoy writing poetry, which you will be doing for the love and not the lights (fame). You will also discover that there are people on a future social media invention, which will be called Instagram, who truly enjoy poetry, so don't give up on your writing.  
© Audrey Malcolm

Inspiration: Letters to my younger self