

Morning After
Lying staring at the anchoring ceiling rafter,
Reminiscing about last night and savoring this morning after,
You still sound asleep,
I beaming from cheek to cheek,
Every time we lie,
I know it's not a fabrication of love or a figment of my mind's eye.
Our orchestrated notes, rifts and melodic climbs,
Makes it feels like we are together for the first time.

The two of us being harmoniously entwined,
You are mine and I am thine,
Moving in three forth time,
Our bodies in tune at a slow tempo, and reliving some magical musical rhyme,
Last night…That First gaze...That First kiss...That First touch,
Melliferous sounds and nothing was rushed,
Your tender strokes, my crescendos, flats and sharps,
While being gently plucked like the strings of a harp.

Last night's sweet memories and our love aura linger and hang over the morning after,
These thoughts make my pulse quicken and my heart beats faster and faster,
Needing an encore of last night's sweet chorus,
With repetitive moves that fosters this two-way love bridge that links us.
I silently lie here anticipating you rising from your sleep,
To hit all the same magical notes that I will affectionately keep,
These mornings after the night before,
Which rocked me to my core, always leave me wanting more and more.
© Audrey Malcolm

#poetsanonymousink- Next Morning prompt- #next_morning_pa