

Filtering rays of sunshine,
Brighten up my day,
My heart swells with hope and pride,
Keen for the glories coming my way...

It was all I knew how to do
Hope and hope.Giving myself hope
Along with a little of assurance

The sky so bright
The trees moving in rhythm
How could it be sunny and drizzling?
Myster of the sky.

I smile knowing it's a new day and another opportunity
Looking straight the rays of sun shining down bright
reminds me of how much I wanted to be the sky
it as the sun,the rain
The moon the stars
All belonging to it

The sky gives hope to many
in form of the sun
The sun shines during the day
And goes at night
But we always have that hope that it will come the next day

The rain gives strength
Strengthening the plants
And even man
Wetting every surface it touches
Reminding us that we are strong

The stars shine so bright
Giving pride to itself
Like only it owns the sky

As for the moon
it's story is that I never know

The glory coming ahead is one of which am sure of