

Cry On Your Grave

Formed in your womb
Born from your pain
Sat on your laps
Sucked on your breast
Fed from your hands
Slept on your chest
Sick in your arms
Yeah! You loved me

I cried on your shoulder
Pissed on your wrapper
I wetted the sinders
Puked in my sleeper
Bit on your finger
Broke all your chinas
Plundered your pantry
Disturbed your slumber
Scattered the parlour
I soiled the sofa
Messed up the carpet
Played in your garden
Still you loved me

You taught me to speak
And also to walk
Took me to school
Smiled when I laughed
Sad when I cried
Cooked all my meals
Sang me to sleep
Awake when I slept
Bought me the toys
Washed all my clothes
Taught me to pray
Showed me the way
Lent me your virtues
Killed all my vises
Mom, you loved me.

Now, I should buy you a car
Build you a house
Sing you a song
Sew you some clothes
Show you my spouse
Take care of you
Bring you our children
Fly you to London
Cook you some dinner
Show you some loving
But Mom, I'm ...
Crying on your grave.
Oh, how you loved me!

© FrancisUdo