

All I ever want
All I ever want is to open my hair, wear a gown and run in deep dark forest
a forest from where no one ever returned.
Maybe then will I be able to avoid the arguments and chaos,
Maybe I will have no more bruises or scars.
Is that too much to want?
Never to be noticed and recognized
or just vent to someone who actually knows how to have my back, motivates me and keep up with me.
Why is it so hard to find anyone with perfect mindset art?
Either no comfort or no motivations..
somethings always be lacking.
All I want is to vent to someone so hardly that I feel there is no more tears to set free,
and scream my lungs out that I couldn’t be able to exhale and…..and pour into someone’s arm…..
I guess then……

all this will always remain is I WANT.

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