

On my grave
On my grave,
Whether there are flowers on my pale body
Or the dead flowers on my grave.
The cremation of a body, the flames from it, in which I can see the feelings, memories, all of it,
the body now ashes,
the sadness spread all over me & my body,
The death was to come as the grim reaper or as a disease, any other way
O' do me a favor to not spread sadness & re-enjoy my memories with you, may then my soul will rest
Eventually, after my death, no one will remember me, just a demise until I am recognized & will be remembered for my achievements
Which can't go with me in death...
The funeral house where the logs of wood are prepared, just as if am going somewhere,
The flames are like my final goodbye,
the people around the pale, lifeless body, crying pains my soul...
On my grave or my ashes
-Feel through words

© Feel_through_words