

Where I belong!
In the enchanting countryside, where home awaits,
Amidst towering mountains, a yearning emanates.
To traverse those peaks, and return to my humble abode,
A longing so deep, it tugs at my very soul.

Awakening to the crisp country air each new day,
With sparrows' sweet melodies, serenity in sway.
The gentle churn of milk, a peaceful serenade,
And the adorable meow, by the hearth it patiently laid.

Sun rays caress my sleepy eyes, twitching in delight,
As the morning breeze carries the fragrant coffee's invite.
Oh, how I yearn to fly back home with all my might,
To embrace the comforts, bathed in pure delight.

Now! Right this instance, the desire so strong,
To soar through the skies, where I truly belong.
A webtoon version, capturing this longing and grace,
Painting the scene with vibrant colors, emotions interlace.