

my fate
Every soul that passes the gate,
Has passed a test of fate,
Trudging along on tired feet,
Almost there, refusing to be beat
Even when the road seems bleek
I trugde on, never stop
Why should I ,I so close
Yet not close enough
I don't know if my fate is sealed
My feet....my feet,my feet
They are bruised not by pain
But indecision
I still refuse to turn around yet,
I'm close to stopping it all
You'd think my desperation
Would turn into pesperation
I need a slice of hope
A sign anything to show me I'm close
I still don't know where this road leads
Am I going to my creator
My salvation,my hero
Or I on my road to hell
Where I will perish when I set foot upon it
I still don't know
But I still can't turn back
Well now I know my fate is sealed

But matter were I end up
I'll be strong and see it head high