

We were way below twenty,
Pretty smart and handsome,
Looking far at the world before us,
Like it'd take a thousand years;
But here we are in the future,
With those years far behind,
Reality staring us in the face,
Bolder than we had thought.

We were way below twenty,
When we played those pranks,
Many of which in sheer innocence,
Landed some of us in pains!
Life was veiled behind a mask,
Which we cared less to undress,
For we had so little to ponder,
Save the fun of the moment.

We were way below twenty,
And we all could have been slain,
In the cold hands of exuberance,
When life had not even begun!
Young we were and tall we stood,
Looking at the future before us,
But folly abounded in our hearts,
When we were way below twenty.