

Wisdom is being quiet when it's needy to be quiet in your life
Learn from every single day
Making your own decisions, don't
have a meaning about the things you
have never learned and just don't know,
and don't have to

At the end of every day, think, and try
to rekativate what you have experienced
during that day . Use your healthy mind
and stay with your feed on solid ground.
You maded your own conclusions, from the things that you have learned that day

Life is how you think about it.
You can't see what happens in another's
mind, do not over thinking to understand that you are just alive,
just be grateful for the fact that you are.

Not needy to ask why and how the things
happy it just happen, and you don't have
influence on every situation. Do the things that you find needy to do, and further, just let go, that's in fact all you need to know.
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