

As Long As I'm Alive
As Long As I'm Alive

by R.

As long as I'm alive
I will do my best
To conquer my angry heart
and put the past to rest

As long as I'm alive
I'll help your shadows decline
the shadow that's on you
lying all the time

As long as I'm alive
I'll try to be a light
to gentler ways and days
& truth that brings delight

I know I'm not enough
I'm not up for the task
to conquer the world
or make peace that will last

I ask my Lion/King
to help me
to not seek for
trophies on a shelf &
to look to him for the strength
that's not in myself

As long as I'm alive
I'll accept life as it is
I won't live for my selfish self
It's a habit I can quit

No matter how bad I've had it
someone has it worse

I'll connect with how to be a blessing
I'll try not to be a curse

I've spent too much time complaining
regrets reigning in my life
I've used words as a weapon
I've used love as a knife

I need to give forgiveness
to walk closer with the Lord
to be a better person --
a doer of the Word

As long as I'm alivei
I'll take the road less taken
I'll try not to mind wrong exits
or when I am mistaken

To love is to live forever
Because love lives within
At the end a light shines on me
and a new life will begin..
© R Becker