

Dirty dishes in the sink,
Waited as a witness,
To the motionless body on the floor.
The girl lay on the floor..
tears can't stop coming out from her eyes,
Several thoughts were prevailing in her mind,
Which has lead to several lies.
She was broken from inside,
But those emotions were impossible to hide.
She lost the comfort of her parents--
Mom was trying to have a second marriage,
Dad was kissing his girlfriend in the garage.
Grandmother had died and Granfather was suffering from brain hamarage.
No one was there to replace the lonliness__
Prevailing around her,
No one was there to take care of her,
betrayed from her one and only person--
"She thought to rely on"
But the love letter was on the ground, half-torn.
"What is the reason for my born"-she thought and thought.
She still had a thought that everything will be alright-
But her 'silent tears' prevented her to think bright.
"If this is life, no need to be a part of this life"-said she with a knife in her hand.
Soon there became a long silence
Along with the blanket full of blood__
Only the rose in her hand
And hope in her mind----