

“ She ”

She who smiles along the way
of sadness, depression and problems.
She laughs from them and shrug it
with her positiveness as she painted colors on every sad edges.

Instead of pleading for help
from all of these sorrow.
She lends them an open hand
and neglect her own part.
Despite of her bleeding heart.
She remains brave and
stand on her own strength.

As they are so used to see her
strong and happy
In reality , at night she crumbles
down and tears sadly.
She won't let them see her weak.
And so she smiles and
continues to help the sick.

She found joy on doing this
and keep disregarding her own bliss.
When sometimes she feel
exhausted and broke
She turned off and never spoke
about her burning pain that keeps swelling.

Not until the day He came and embrace her with words
she never heard being offered for her.
"Let me help you"

And it made her laugh
how she were used to say that
and break into tears when she realize
how badly she needed it.

© jyannu
dedicated to my bestfriend, Rosel.