

The Unseen Bond
At sea, we sail, a divided crew
Engineers below, officers anew
A rift between, a gap so wide
Yet, in our hearts, a truth we can't hide

We need each other, like wave and tide
Together we sail, side by side
The engines roar, the helm is tight
A safe voyage, our shared delight

But pride and ego, they often sway
And discord grows, come what may
We forget, in our daily strife
That teamwork is our greatest life

Deep down, we know, we're on the same side
A shared goal, the safe passage to abide
So let's put aside, our differences wide
And work together, with a united stride

For when we sail, as one, we're strong
Our bond, the anchor, that keeps us long
On course, through waves, through stormy night
Together, we'll ride, the ocean's delight.