

Blind Leading the blinds.
Blind Leading the Blinds

In shadows cast by hollow eyes, they tread, The downtrodden, their fate by leaders led. A blind icon, novice, hope eludes their grasp, Sycophants’ praises echo, a false clasp.

Blind leads the blinds…

Deceit and lies, a sycophantic dance, Success remains elusive, mere circumstance. Economic jeopardy, pilfered by the learned, Their trusted pilots blinded, bridges burned.

Blind leads the blinds…

Nation sinking, an incurable plight, Truth buried deep, obscured from sight. Leaders, deaf to disaster’s looming call, Collapse around gossip, their downfall.

Blind leads the blinds…

Equal opportunities, a distant plea, Yet the poor trust in lies, endlessly. Why moan when hope remains a mirage? Blind leading blind, a tragic montage.
© to pay ali-muahaha