

just WAIT.
I don't want to search it
I'm just staying where I am, for it to come itself
I can feel it, I guess
but its of no use to me.

I can combine with it's every essence
can go deep down the well
but my inner self rattling around in confusion
coz I know these skills are of no use to me.

I would love to get into all of it back again
want to lure for it, hold onto it someday
cry for it, long for it once more
but even those desired pains are of no use to me.

watching others fall in it
makes me fall for it myself
but thinking me as the lead in it
is just a spark of no use to me.

to me falling for it, is just like a dead rose
but I'll wait; wait, wait right here
for it, for it's touch, for it's warmth; all for it
until then keeping it a secret is the only excuse to me.
so here I leave all those chances
our coincidences, all unexpectencies in your hands
waiting impatiently patient for a knock by you
coz waiting is all left as the only use to me

I'll wait for you to come to me
I'll wait; wait right here
I promise I won't go anywhere.
