

The Truth
The Truth is,
Or was,
Or has,
And will be,
Because it has to be,
Because I will it so,
Because if not,
Where will I be?

The Truth is,
Because you have to know,
Because you're obsessed,
Because I promised to tell it,
Because I,
Because I believe it.

The Truth is,
Because I'm so scared.
Because YOU have to know.
Because I'm shaking,
Fingers twitching,
Heart stuttering,

The Truth is,
Because I can't breathe,
Because if I say it,
Surely all of me will be exposed.

The Truth is,
I don't know if you can handle it,
My profound truth.

The Truth is,

The Truth is,
It is obscene,
And life changing,
And heart stoppingly,
Mindshatteringly, gruesomely cruel.

The Truth is,
I have such a fear of being here,
On this platform,
Designated area.
I fear I may simply pass out.

The Truth is,
I must prove I am able.
The Truth is that I am able.
And I will continue to be.

© Karia FelWell