

See No Evil 4

In the quiet spaces of the world,
where light and shadow converge in endless dance,
I choose to be an observer,
a witness to the spectrum of existence
without being ensnared by its darkness.

Within the relentless swirl of life’s trials,
where anguish and discontent often vie for dominion,
I anchor my sight to the horizon of hope,
where joy stretches its arms to the sky,
and peace weaves its threads through the fabric of reality.
I choose to see not just the surface,
but the potential beneath,
the warmth that flickers despite the chill.

In the cacophony of human actions,
where wrongs and grievances press against the soul,
I turn my gaze toward the light
that peeks through the curtains of human struggle.
I recognize the shadows for what they are—
merely the absence of light,
a backdrop to the brilliance of possibilities,
and not the center of my focus.

The darkness, with its weight and complexity,
is a presence I acknowledge but do not dwell upon.
I do not deny its existence;
I simply choose not to give it dominion over my vision.
My sight is a selective canvas,
painted with hues of kindness and compassion,
where the spectrum of human experience
is enriched by acts of grace and moments of profound beauty.

In the heart of turmoil, I am the calm observer,
the seeker of the silver linings that dot the storm.
I embrace the light that radiates from small acts of goodness,
from words spoken with sincerity,
from gestures that transcend the ordinary.
This light becomes the lens through which I view the world,
a filter that cleanses my perceptions,
allowing only the benevolence of the human spirit to shine through.

To see no evil is not to be blind
to the intricacies of human imperfection.
It is to place my focus on the resilience
that emerges from the trials,
the strength born of perseverance,
the love that persists despite adversity.
In this selective vision,
I manifest a reality that is aligned with my deepest values.

When I witness acts of wrongdoing,
I do not turn away in denial;
I acknowledge them as part of the human condition,
but I do not let them anchor my soul.
Instead, I channel my energy into nurturing
the seeds of positive change,
into cultivating environments where light prevails.
I become a steward of the virtues I wish to see,
a gardener of peace and joy in a world of contrasts.

In this mindful choice of sight,
I create a space where love flourishes,
where peace is not a fleeting moment but a constant state.
My strength is not measured by the battles I face,
but by the grace with which I embrace the light
and the perseverance that fuels my journey forward.
I choose to reflect the best of what I envision,
to contribute to a world where the positive prevails.

Thus, I traverse the landscape of existence
with eyes wide open,
not to be blind to the shadows but to see beyond them,
to engage with the world from a place of clarity and hope.
In this choice, I find my purpose and my power,
manifesting love, peace, strength, and unwavering perseverance
in the midst of all that is.