


There, that's a woman
She's got the essence, she's got that pride
Should you hear her speak, then you'd know she's got the brains too
Should you see her walk, Oh my, I can tell you she's got the flair, I seen it clear
These beauty in a woman my eyes thus has beheld, the art of womanhood
A woman in her prime, A woman in this times, A woman of all ages, all tiers...
She's either tall or short, long legged or not, blessed abundant with suckling paps or little
She could be fair or dark, brown or gold, you name it all
Either way she's still a Woman, such beauty to behold, A woman

I've seen her bare, I've seen her care, I've seen her there, I've seen her near
I've felt her love, I've felt her hate, I've felt her woes, I've known her fears
But, in all this she never has faltered in being who she ought be, strong, virtuous,
Striving for perfection no where near, outta here, outta space that's how she rocks your world
Her wrath she'll unleash subtle and with care thus, this demon she could be would haunt you,
Yet, to me she's like a fortress a place wherein I do retire,
In my despair, In my woes,...

... to be continued...

© P0et