

It ends where it begins.
Today I saw a child,
A child who is 1 year old, I think so. who has not even stared walking and talking yet.He always sits in the same place and plays with his toys. Even though he is hungry he couldn't ask for food instead he will cry to let them know that he is hunger. He couldn't Bath himself unless his mom bathes him. He will always wet his pants and poo wherever he is.His cute smiling face always makes people around him smile.❤️

Today I saw a old man,
An old man who is around 70 years, I think so. who cannot walk and always sits in a same place . Who cannot eat food unless someone Feeds him.He cannot go and bath himself unless someone bathes him. He used to wait for someone to come and take him to washroom if he wants to poo, sometimes he wet his pants too. He is always pure at heart ..he always makes smile people around him .but deep inside he always curse himself for being alive .💔

© "A" soul_sayings