

Little Johnny

Write a poem on "A tree house"

Daddy and mummy are always fighting,
Little Johnny is always crying.

There was a time there would have accepted their mistakes,
For Little Johnny's sake.

However, the time is no longer existing,
At five, Little Johnny should be able to take it all in.

They have no remorse to give,
Little Johnny doesn't even know what it means to forgive.

And so the cycle goes,
On and on in their home's four walls.

Anyways, the year runs by,
And Little Johnny is six so fast.

One day, in the backyard, he sees,
A treehouse nestled tight on a tree.

Mind you, he is just a little boy,
Whatever he sees reminds him of a toy.

So with profound excitement,
Little Johnny runs to tree with a smile.

And with excess merriment,
He tries to climb the tree right.

Unfortunately, it does not work,
But Little Johnny does not give up.

Every day he comes to the tree,
Believing one day it will work out for him.

And it does, some years later,
When Little Johnny is no longer a tata.

In this treehouse,
He blocks out the noise from the other house.

Daddy's shouts and mummy's cries,
Mummy's doubts and daddy's crimes.

In this treehouse,
He learns the true value of being quiet.

He knows what it means to be alone,
Till he becomes one with loneliness.

In this treehouse,
Little Johnny becomes a man.

© Ifeamareme Uchechi Favour

#writingprompts #poem #poet #family
#treehouse #inspiration #reality